Sunday, November 29, 2009


Last Sunday we noticed that Kaleb had something that looked like a blister on his bum. We were concerned about how rosy his cheeks get and also the runny nose that he has been having. So we set up an appointment for the doctor. Well, by Monday the blister had started to bleed and was really making us nervous. Come to find out that it was a staph infection.

Pretty scary stuff it turns out. However, the doctor said that it was in the very early stages and that we caught it early enough that it is not going to be a major problem. We got some antibiotics for Kaleb, both oral and topical so that we can help him heal faster. He really hasn’t been bothered by it that we can see. And it turns out that he has sensitive skin and that is why he has really rosy cheeks. The doctor recommended aquaphor for his skin and it really has helped a lot with the irritation.

So Tuesday Kari and I decided to take the day off and to be at home with Kaleb as he was a little fussy and could use some tender lovin care from his mommy and daddy. As we were both home we decided to give Kaleb a bath in the big bathtub. He loves it!!! I don’t think that we will be going back to any other way to bathe him. You’ll see what I mean.

Also as I had the day off I had some time to play with the video software that came with our video camera so please excuse the cheesy tiles.


The Hunt Family said...

Abbi had a staph infection when she was that age too and impetigo at the same time. No fun! I hope he gets better soon!

Simply Sarah *K* said...

He's such a cutie!!!
That's good that they were able to catch it in time! Staph can be such an ugly thing :(.