Monday, August 3, 2009

Screaming....screaming and more screaming

Ok so I hate days that we have to get back on schedule! Sundays he gets all happy cause mommy rocks him to sleep at church cause there isn't anywhere to put him. Then we go to grandma's and are all out of whack there too. So normally Matt is home on Monday and we are out and about running errands. Kaleb sleeps great in the car...but when Mommy puts him back into his bed to sleep on the day after routine is messed up...all there is is screaming....

We are meeting his teacher at the daycare tomorrow. I am a little nervous and really need to sit down and make a list of things I want to go over with her. I can't believe I have to leave my baby!!! We are going to try there and see how things work out...if it doesn't work we'll go to someone else...

Ok well I guess I'll try to give him his binky and comfort the screamer!

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